Antarctic Treaty Summit 2009
50th anniversary of the signing of the Antarctic Treaty
"with the interests of science and the progress of all mankind"
50th anniversary of the signing of the Antarctic Treaty
"with the interests of science and the progress of all mankind"
The presentation will address the development of the legal framework for Antarctica starting from the discussions between a limited number of states in the 1940:ies, focusing on the legal problems and possibilities at the time. It will continue by addressing the development from a single treaty – the Antarctic Treaty - into an entire treaty regime – the Antarctic Treaty System and on how the treaty parties met the challenges and criticism of the perceived lack of legitimacy voiced by non-parties in the UN-debates, particularly in the 1980s. Finally, it will address the legality and legitimacy of the Antarctic Treaty System as it stands today. That includes a look into the crystal ball.
Dr. Michael Richardson United Kingdom
Dr. Marie Jacobsson Principal Legal Advisor on International Law, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden
Ambassador R. Rucker Scully United States
Professor David Walton Professor Emeritus, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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